If you are thinking of attending the CRSI 2016 Conference, which is free to attend and taking place at the Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, University College Cork on the 8th June 2016, please download this booking form and email liis.cotter@hse.ie.

Take the pledge in 4 easy steps: Print, Smile, Tag, Share.
As a member of the State of Mind Family we want YOU to take the pledge and show your commitment in promoting mental fitness.
Step 1: Print the pledge
Step 2: Smile and take a photo while holding the pledge
Step 3: Tag State of Mind Ireland on Facebook (StateOfMind Ireland) and Twitter (@StateOfMindIre)
Step 4: Share on your favourite social network
By doing this you will encourage and show people that they can speak out about their mental health and ask for help if they need it. We believe that by changing conversations, we can change lives #ChangingConversationsChangingLives #StopTheStigma

The following five actions can help to improve your mental fitness and wellbeing.

The key components involve a 45 minute presentation followed by a 30-45 minute skills group which will improve students understanding of how stress may affect them, how best to cope with difficult periods / transitions in College using the ‘5 ways to Wellbeing’ and Mindfulness, and how best to seek support when it is needed (using the concepts of early intervention and the protective effect of ‘one good adult’, that is a coach, lecturer or other person of responsibility to support students who are stressed). The State of Mind Ireland Programme is part of a wider framework utilising blended learning in partnership with the HSE, UCC, ReachOut Ireland, SHINE, and ALL-Island-All-Active aimed at facilitating on-going dynamic improvement in the following areas of third level students life experience.

This guide has been designed to help you to choose when and what sections are most appropriate for you. It is not intended as something you need to read through from cover to cover.
Your family, friends or colleagues may also find it helpful to look through this guide so that they can begin to try and understand a little of what you are going through and how to find the right help.
Some sections focus on how you may be feeling; others on what may be happening. Throughout – and in more detail at the back – are some suggestions for sources of further support. There are also quotes from people who have been bereaved and who have experienced some of what you may be going through.

Why Come for Suicide Bereavement Counselling?
After losing a loved one to suicide, family members and friends may become overwhelmed by intense emotions like grief, anger, guilt, confusion, disbelief and despair. In the early stages and for some time you may be in deep shock and experience numbness you may be in deep shock and experience numbness towards everything around you.
Counselling allows you to talk about what you are experiencing. It gives you an opportunity to talk to someone outside the family or your group of friends, which itself can be helpful.
In counselling there is an opportunity to talk about the person who has died, the suicide itself and what the person who has died, the suicide itself and what it means to you. During your sessions with a counsellor you can explore all the emotions you are experiencing and how your life has changed since the loss.
Research shows it is important, and helpful, for a bereaved person to talk about their experience of suicide, to express emotions, to attempt to make suicide, to express emotions, to attempt to make meaning of the loss and ultimately develop a new relationship with the person who has died.
At Console, all our counsellors are specifically trained and skilled in the area of suicide grief. They can work with you at a very comfortable pace, to bring health, hope and new ways to cope, into your life

Insightful, Inspiring, Real Life Stories: Written by the Students and Staff of UCC. This booklet was produced with the help of a generous grant from the Donal Walsh #LiveLife foundation- donalwalshlivelife.org

The Mental Health Foundation is working to end the inequalities that face people experiencing mental health problems. They develop and run research and delivery programmes across the UK and use what we learn to inform and influence government policy, offering straightforward and clear information on every aspect of mental health.

Sportspeople experience a unique set of pressures in their jobs from scoring goals and winning trophies to facing media scrutiny and meeting the high expectations of adoring fans. While these issues make for an out of the ordinary workplace, in essence they are all linked to employment. The managers, coaches, clubs, governing bodies and player’s unions all have a role in supporting sports professionals to manage their mental wellbeing at work.